
Delivery & Payment Option
  1. Reina's Beauty House provides delivery within Singapore.
  2. By Singapore Post: S$2.00 per product. (2-3 working days)
  3. Delivering to a different address.
    You may place an order to be delivered to a different address in Singapore other then your billing address. Free Delivery for purchase above S$100.
  4. Mailing address cannot be changed once the product is posted out. Reina's Beauty House will not be responsible for products that fail to reach customers in such instances.
  5. Payment Options
    • Bank Transfer to POSB Savings Account
Order Format

Item #1
Item Name:
Item price in SGD:
Item Quantity:
Sub Total : (SGD) * Quantity = $$
Item #2
Item Name:
Item price in SGD:
Item Quantity:
Sub Total : (SGD) * Quantity = $$

Please email orders to xingyanx@yahoo.com.sg