Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a remarkable plant…one of a handful of traditional folk remedies renowned since ancient times as a ‘cure all’. It has been called by such evocative names as ‘Wand of Heaven’, ‘Miracle Worker’ and ‘Silent Healer’, while the ancient Egyptians referred to it as ‘The Plant of Immortality’. Indeed, one of the most outstanding qualities of Aloe Vera is the versatile nature of its healing properties. Although it is best known today as a cosmetic ingredient, modern research is confirming the value of Aloe Vera in the treatment of numerous disorders. These range from common complaints such as acne, eczema, indigestion and psoriasis to more serious medical conditions such as arthritis, ulcers, radiation burns, irritable bowel syndrome and even AIDS and cancer.
Mahatma Gandhi drank Aloe Vera juice every day. In a letter to his biographer, Romain Rolland, Gandhi wrote:
You ask me what were the secret forces that sustained me during my long fasts. Well, it was my unshakeable faith in God, my simple frugal lifestyle, and the Aloe whose benefits I discovered upon my arrival in
Aloe Vera contains over seventy-five nutrients and twenty minerals, nineteen amino acids including all eight essential amino acids, eleven secondary amino acids and twelve vitamins. These vitamins include: A, B1, B6, B12, C and E. It has even been referred to as “a pharmacy in a plant”.
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